Monday, December 1, 2014

Mining Pew 5: Teens and Technology

Lenhart, A.  (2014).  Teens & Technology:  Understanding the Digital Landscape.  Pew Research Center's Internet Project.  Retrieved from:

Teens & Technology: Understanding the Digital Landscape from Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project

As the proud mother of five children ranging in age from 6 to 24, I found this data to be rather accurate.  Our teens are online either through the use of their laptops, tablets or cell phones the majority of the time.  Our oldest two used to talk on the phone with friends but our younger teens spend most of their time texting as a form of communication with friends.  Twitter is very popular with one of our daughters because she is always trying to find a social network that is less popular with adults-  mainly her parents of course. 
Lenhart presented data on teen cell phone use, internet use and social media use.  The findings reveal that 95% of teens are using the internet, 78% of teens own cell phones while 3 out of 4 teens access the internet with their mobile phones, and teens chose texting as their main form of communication. Lenhart added that 58% of teens have downloaded Apps to their mobile phones.   These findings are not very surprising since most people don't even have landlines anymore.  Personally, we purchased cell phones for our children to help us keep in constant contact with them.  While owning cell phones has helped us to keep track of their whereabouts it has also made it easier for them to text and use the internet at anytime.  To avoid overuse, we only allow our children to keep their phones, laptops and tablets until bedtime.  They are also not allowed to use their cell phones during family time. 

Lenhart included data on social media sites.  Some teens revealed that they have switched to other social media sites that are less popular with adults to avoid their presence.  I have to agree with that.  I recently created an Instagram account while my teens have had accounts for a long while.  Teens like to create their own space and would prefer for adults to stay out.  Unfortunately, this can create problems with online safety.

24 slides/pages

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